The holidays are upon us so making time for things like self-care are harder than ever. However, last week I made time to sit and try some water coloring and started sketching and doodling again. My dad was interested in watercolor as well, but didn't like that I had liquid paint. He wanted to try the kind from the tubes so I bought him a set along with some brushes so we could paint together. For those that don't know, my dad was diagnosed with cancer last year. He has lost a lot of drive to do creative things because his hobbies included leatherworking and woodworking - both of which he doesn't have the strength or stamina to do anymore. The littlest things take a lot of effort for him nowadays, so I thought painting would be a good creative outlet for him. I wanted to practice for the postcards I am going to make for my nieces and thought that would be a good time to do so. Mine did NOT turn out like the TikTok I watched, but they...
Follow along as I make crafty things and live my life