So the reason I decided to do these keychains is because I saw them here ( which I linked to from Pinterest. The only problem with this tutorial is that I couldn't get my sewing machine to cooperate with me and the fabric. It was just too small to sew and it kept shifting and messing up. So I thought about it and decided I could do it by hand. Materials: Scissors, Pen, Adhesive, Fabric, Embroidery Floss, Thread, Template, Sewing Needle, Embroidery Needle I started out by cutting out a mustache template using my Cricut and the Bump in the Night cartridge. I used a heavy cardstock so that I could trace it without too much problem. I then traced the mustache onto the WRONG side of the fabric two times because we will sandwich them together to create the keychain. You will also need to cut a small rectangular piece which will be used to attach the mustache to your keyring. template and mustaches traced on...
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