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Takeout Tuesday

Hey there! So it's been a weird few days for me...

Sunday was mainly awesome - I was at work from 12:45 pm to 11:45 pm, mostly working, but also working out... During my work period I got to ogle a lot of hot guys since it was the first night of basketball and we had a lot of new teams (I work at a health club and run the men's basketball league). During my workout I ran a mile! I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but when you weigh almost 250 pounds and are trying to get back into shape, this is a big deal... I also started on one of my stories during one of the slower basketball games. I'm glad I can multitask or I would get soooo bored trying to keep score at these games.

Monday was unusual - I didn't go into work until 4:30 because I was up until about 1am since I had to work Sunday night. I did next to nothing during the day (watched TV and read some fanfics, nothing productive...) yet somehow when I got to work I was super cranky and it made my shift go by really slow. Everything seemed to tick me off and I have no clue why :/ Then I did the crossword with Taylor, had a popsicle (...or two...), and headed home where I couldn't get to sleep due to my sugar high. I knew better, but the popsicles made my bad mood better. However, I utilized my non-sleep period to continue writing my story. I now have the basic plot line down and can start writing in all the details.

Today was not much better than yesterday - I woke up late, went to work around noon and spent 7 hours doing paperwork. It was a nice day in the office, though, because no one was really up there since two people are on vacation and it was just me and one other person for a majority of the day. The day did go by quickly, which surprised me, because the paperwork was never-ending and I thought it would make the day go slow. The only downfall to the paperwork is that my wrists are now killing me - I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome so when I have to do a lot of typing/writing, my hands and wrists start to get sore and stiff and bother the heck outta me. When I finally did leave, I went to a new (to me) chinese restaurant to try it out (we just moved to the area and are having a hard time finding a good chinese place). My route home from there took me past a Starbucks, so I decided to stop in and get a double chocolate chip frappuccino because I needed something to get me in a good mood. [And I wonder why I have issues with my weight haha Stress eating and comfort foods are enemy #1 and today I had had a double whammy. Usually I go for mac n cheese, but that would have required going to the store and buying it, so I went with takeout instead.] Now, we usually do take out on Thursdays, but since my parents already ate before I even left work, it left me to fend for myself, hence Takeout Tuesday.

I need to get myself back on my sleep schedule that I started before Origins came around. I love Origins, but it makes getting back to the real world extremely hard, for me anyway. I was going to bed at a decent hour and getting up by no later than 8 everyday. Now I'm lucky if I go to bed before 1am and wake up on time for work.

Sooo, that's been my life for the past few days...

Since this is a "craft" blog, I will now let you feast your eyes on some of the cards that I made while at Origins. My friend ordered them because I am dumb and left all of my pre-made cards (except the samples for my classes) at home even when she made a point to call me and ask me to bring them so she could buy some. So, while at the Con, I had to make 20 cards for her - 5 girly birthdays, 5 manly birthdays, 5 thank yous and 5 notecards. I tried to make them all different, but you will notice that each set has a similar design/elements. For instance, the girly birthdays all have the same birthday stamp and coordinating paper, but they are each unique. I hope that this makes sense and you can see what I mean... I know the pictures aren't the greatest (I had to use my phone to take them), but I hope you enjoy them anyway...Also, not all the cards I made are pictured because I didn't really like the work I did on some of them and didn't feel it necessary to photograph what I felt were crappy cards.

This one is my favorite out of all the one that I made for her. I struggled with that friggin bow for a good 7 minutes, trying to get it to lay flat and look pretty. Have I said how much I hate bows? It's almost as much as I hate glitter...

This is my second favorite out of them all. Can you tell I really liked the girly birthday ones?!? 

I didn't really care much for what I did with these :/ I had a good idea in mind, but changed it because I didn't want them all to be exactly the same, and then I don't know what happened, they just came out like this *shrug*


  1. You should post a tutorial on the next blog post with pictures how to make something :)


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