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It's been a long time...

 It's been quite a while since I have posted so please excuse the rambling - it's just how my brain works.  I don't really know why I struggle to keep up with my blog, but I think it's because I wanted to to be all about crafts, but the title is Diary of a Crafty Girl, so here we go with attempt number 3? to re-start my blog and express myself somewhere besides my journal.

A lot has happened in the time since my last post.  Here's my current sitch - just moved my friend out of my room and working on getting it back in working order.  By that I mean I want to get it set up to be a functional bedroom and craft room.  I wish I could have a dedicated craft room, but my financial situation is such that I am living with my parents for now, so a combined space is what I have to work with.  I have plans drawn up, just need to execute them.

My mental health hasn't been the greatest lately.  I have been working on some art therapy to help with more "me" time, but with limited space, it's been hard. Dealing with other medical issues as well - diagnosed with Diabetes; recently had a kidney stone which is no fun. I'm trying to get motivated to work out more and eat better so I can get off my diabetes meds. Luckily it's not so bad that I need insulin or to check my sugars regularly, but it is just enough over the threshold that I have to take a medicine to help. I signed up for an American Cancer Society Walk for June.  You walk 30 miles (or more) with a dog.  Hopefully this will get me out of the house and exercising regularly.  I don't mind doing the exercising, I just haven't been motivated lately because I feel like my time is not my own.

I am currently selling for three direct sales companies - Perfectly Posh, Thirty-One, and Stampin' Up!. I mainly do it for the discount, but would love to be able to make at least one work to help supplement my income.  I would also like to start doing more crafty things to sell for more income as well.  Need to research websites, selling platform etc before diving too far into that though.  Maybe dabbling into Patreon and Twitch?  TikTok? I'm not a great artist in a traditional sense but enjoy making things and would love to find a way to share the process and such. Maybe do commissions?  The possibilities are endless, I just need to find the right path for me.  

I took a promotion at work so I am now the assistant GM, but it means that my schedule has changed...again...for the third time since January.  I have to have a routine or I go bonkers so the adjustments have been part of the reason my mental health is lacking.  It has also caused me to eat out more, which is not good for my body or bank account.  Now that my schedule should be the same for a while, I am getting used to eating at weird times, packing my lunch and making breakfast at home again. 

Hopefully once I get settled into my newest schedule with my friend being gone (and by gone I mean he moved right next door...) I will get on a better art/crafty schedule and can post more often :)


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